Tuesday, November 12, 2013

New Dance Class at CBRC

Last week, I spoke with the manager of group fitness at CBRC (Columbia Basin Racquet Club). I offered up a new class idea, for which she gave me the 'OK' to pursue a trial period.

I haven't danced for a while... like actually danced, with a partner. Also, since I've joined CBRC's Holiday Fitness Challenge, I could use an excuse to spend at least one more day at the gym each week. Those things considered, my idea was a partner dance class focusing on either an introduction to ballroom dancing or an introduction to salsa dancing.

I think ballroom would be more fun, since I could use the refresher, but my manager thought that Salsa might be more successful. I can agree there, since we could all plan to meet out at the Red Lion in Pasco on a Friday night or at Jokers on a Saturday night.

I checked the current calendar, and the big fitness room is available starting at 7pm on Thursday evenings and at 5:30pm on Friday evenings. In my head, the class feels like a 6pm Friday kind of class, but I know people can be particular about their weekends.

So, now that you know what I'm thinking, I'd like to hear what you're thinking. What days/times work best for you? What would you like to learn? Would you like it to focus on partner dancing, or just learn choreography?

Finally, something that I worry about is getting guys to show up. It's not that I wouldn't love to dance with all of you, nor is it that I don't think ladies can 'lead'. It's just that I want you all to be able to learn and dance the parts you would be dancing if you were out at a club or a ballroom. In order for that to happen, we have to get some guys to show up. So, feel free to lay some ideas on me. That being said, YOU WILL NOT BE REQUIRED TO BRING A PARTNER. In fact, even if you bring a partner, you will not be able to just dance with them. We'll rotate so that everybody can get some practice.


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